Sense of Urgency in work is Winning formula. Every possible work to be mapped into important and Urgent quadrant. To acheive highest Productiviy indicator.Productivity of an Organnization is collective, summation and integration of every individual in that firm. Contribution by factor and effective utilization of 3M (Machine , Material and Money) makes big difference.
For an Organization, success is not just Profit registered. But the people, those are dedicated and understand their responsibility to contribute in growth of organization.
Everyone should work towards common goal of acheiving customer apreciation, delivering goods or services not on-time but JUST-IN-TIME. With ultimate quality and quantity demanded.
Is Sense of Urgency works? always...would be a question. Some lifely experiences may differ to the fact that, some delay in making decisions gets paid. There is False Urgency. Which misleades to the fact of URGENCY.